The 2020 OG's 14th annual football tournament is now open to entries for this year's weekend festival of football over the August bank holiday weekend.
Sunday 30th August 2020 U7’s 5 aside - Max 3 Subs U9’s 7 aside - Max 3 Subs U11’s 9 aside - Max 5 subs U13’s 11 aside - Max 5 Subs U15’s 6 aside - Max 4 Subs
Monday 31st August 2020 U8’s 5 aside - Max 3 Subs U10’s 7 aside - Max 3 Subs U12’s 9 aside - Max 5 subs U14’s 11 aside - Max 5 Subs U16’s 6 aside - Max 4 Subs
To download full details of this year's tournament please click HERE or to enter online please click HERE
Please note that places will not be booked or confirmed until full payment has been received. Payment can be made by Paypal, Visa/Debit card via Paypal, Bank Transfer or Cheque for which details are available on the online application page or by downloading the full details as indicated above.
Where we have a reserve list running can you please complete the form as normal but not make any payment. Teams entering reserve list will be contacted if a space becomes available. We will also look at adding an extra group if a pitch becomes available due to lack of interest in another age group.
2020 NFA requirement for clubs entering tournaments.
As part of the sanctioning requirements for our tournament the Northamptonshire Football Association have introduced a "Competing Clubs Tournament Pack" which consists of a consent form and requirement to give details of emergency contact information. This will need to be completed by all teams entering prior to the start of the event and can be downloaded in pdf format by clicking HERE or in publisher format by clicking HERE